Monday, November 19, 2007

Christmas Spirit Award

Thanks to Carrie at Quite the Normal Life for giving me the Spirit of Christmas Award.

This award is for those who talk about and show the spirit of Christmas in their blogs. What is the Spirit of Christmas you ask? Quite simply it is those that have a generous and giving nature. Those who care about others. Those who have a kind word to say or a broad shoulder to lean on in the times that others need that. Those who display the "Spirit of Christmas". This is the only award that I am releasing that you may pass on to others. I am giving it to five and you should too. Those that have touched your heart with their kind and giving and caring nature.

I would like to pass on this award to:

Dorothy of You Did What?

Lorri of Mac and Cheese Chronicles

Kaye of Kaye's Tea Room

Cynthia of Life is Good

Maureen of Maureen Wittmann


Anonymous said...

Thank you so much, Renee. That made my day!

Romany said...


Ditto what Lorri said!

The best thing about these awards is being able check out other unfamiliar blogs!

BTW, your hair cut is lovely!


Cynthia said...

WOW! Thanks so much for the blog award. I actually have quite a few Christmas posts I plan to update here in the next week while we're off from school. Is there an icon or something to post? It looks like there is a space up there for something, but nothing is showing up. THANKS AGAIN!