Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Changing Habits

Debbie Macomber is an author I enjoy esp her Blossom Street series. I had reservations about Changing Habits but decided to read it anyway. It a story about three young adult women entering the convent - each having a desire to serve God. Then each faces a crisis of faith.
I loved the book when it talked about life leading up to and in the convent; I have mixed feelings about the rest of the book.
The author mentions that she was raised Catholic but I have a gut feeling she no longer considers herself a member of the Church.


RAnn said...

I didn't much care for the reunion and seeing where those ladies all ended up--kind of how they all got beyond the institutional church. But as I said about it, I liked that it didn't portray life in the convent as life in jail. Have you ever read "The Nun's Story" or seen the movie? Until I read that, I thought I wanted to be a nun; after reading it, I knew such a life couldn't be for me--and I've read several other books that portrayed convent life in much the same way. I suspect there is some truth to it, but I've figured out lately that many of those books were written by those who left, not those who stayed, and perhaps its like listening to a divorcee describe marriage--taking about the other body in the bed as a cover stealer rather than a foot warmer :)

Renee said...

I've not read "The Nun's Story". I'll add that to my reading wish list.
As I read about the nuns' lives in the convent, I thought about how wonderful that routine/schedule would be for Theresa. And despite Macomber's thinking that nuns have all "modernized" or disappeared, there are new orders springing up in the US.