Mass was followed by a breakfast sponsored by the Knights of Columbus and hosted by teens in the high school youth group. We had hot pancakes, sausages, OJ, and peaches. Each graduating senior was called forward; an announcement was made of where they were going to college, what they were majoring in, any scholarships they'd been awarded as well their senior quote. Each then signed the 2009 high school class ceiling tile that will forever live in the youth room.
The highlight of the event was when the Grand Knight announced the scholarship winners. Each applicant was scored on their academics, community/school/church involvement and their essay (I may be missing something). My understanding is that the competition was 'blind' (applicants' names were removed prior to the committee scoring/judging). We were SHOCKED when the first name announced was Madeleine Gardiner. I didn't even have my camera with me because I didn't think that she would win. We've been members of the parish less than a year, Madeleine doesn't have typical school activities since she's homeschooled, etc. I was in such shock that I don't even remember the name of the young man that also won. But needless to say we are very happy that she won.
Here's a pic of her at home with her award.
Congratulations to Madeleine!!! I am not surprised that she was a scholarship recipient at your parish. She has great qualifications and I am sure they noticed that on her application.
Our parish had their Senior Mass and Breakfast this morning too! How neat that we had it on the same day. I happily participated - not as a mom of a senior (my days of that honor are past)but as a Catholic Daughter member. I got up at 5 a.m. to make my share of the quiches and went to help serve after the 8:30 Mass. Our Catholic Daughters sponsor our breakfast. We served pigs in a blanket, quiche, fruit, doughnuts and juice. The Catholic Daughters and the Knights each give a scholarship. The Catholic Daughters also have a raffle for large gift baskets, to one boy and one girl. The Catholic Daughters donate the items for the baskets and we have quite a variety of items (things seniors can use when they go off to college). Senior altar servers are recognized and awards are given for those who had good attendance at CCD and ones who helped with younger CCD classes. We have one senior in our parish who is going into the Marines. It was really nice to see him recognized this morning too!
I am so happy for Madeleine and for you too, Renee! Hugs and congrats to both of you for a job well done!
That reminds me that they did recognize five seniors that were asst/co-teachers for CCD this year. We have one senior going to West Point, a few on ROTC scholarships and a few going to community college (some part-time while working).
Our parish doesn't have Catholic Daughters.
Each student was given a mylar helium filled balloon; attached to it was a College Survival Kit complete with scripture quotations. I need to copy and save it in case I ever need to use that idea in the future.
I'm going to try to put a bug in someone's ear about our parish doing something like this next year...
That's wonderful. Congratulations Madeleine!
I'll be sure to send you a copy of the note that went with each care package..... you go girl! Start a new tradition in your parish
Woo hoo! Congratulations!
This is a great tradition to have in a parish. If your parish does not have it, I suggest that you tell your pastor and CCD coordinator about it. Seniors really look forward to it! It is a great way to honor ALL graduating high school seniors no matter where they are graduating from. Ours come to Mass on the designated Sunday morning dressed in their cap and gown. The priest recognizes them during the homily (most years the homily includes some words of wisdom for the graduates). Then some organization in the parish sponsors a breakfast. We have a lady in our parish who loves being the coordinator of the breakfast each year. It is really a simple thing but it means a lot to the kids and their parents.
I would love to see a copy of the poem, Renee, if you don't mind sharing it. One thing that was given to our seniors yesterday was a bubble stick (filled with bubbles to blow) and a poem about bubbles and just life in general - some simple but cute message. I will try to get a copy of it too if anyone is interested.
Congratulations again to Madeleine. I can't believe she is about to head to college. We watched her grow up!
Our Mass was coordinated by the Youth Minister (he does all three youth groups plus high school religious education).
Congrats to Madeline! She is a beautiful young lady, you must be so proud of her Renee.
Thanks all... we are proud of her and are excited for all that is to come in her future
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