Sunday, August 30, 2009

Sunday Snippets --- A Catholic Carnival

Sunday Snippets--A Catholic Carnival is a weekly opportunity to share our best posts with the wider Catholic blogging community. Be sure to visit RAnn at This That and The Other Thing and check out others participating in Sunday Snippets this week. Why not join us and share a blog post or two from last week?

This week I posted a link to an article my 14 year old daughter Abigail wrote for the Huntsville Times Teen Page. She will be writing about five more times this year on any topics that interest her. So let's dispel some myths about home-schoolers. She didn't specifically mention her faith but she will be Confirmed this year so maybe that will be a topic next spring.


Michele said...

Oh my gosh, I totally read this when it was in the paper and didn't make the connection that it was your daughter. How fun!

Renee said...

She'll be in print again round about end of October