Monday, January 18, 2010

In the blink of an eye....

... that's how fast life can change.

On Wednesday, we almost lost a dear friend who's only 18 yrs old but thanks to the quick thinking of his English teacher, classmates, school nurses and others he was given another chance at life for which we are all grateful. His life has been changed - dramatically; but he is alive to continue being a great son, brother, friend and all those other roles he plays in the lives of those who love him.

Then on Sunday, we got word that four of my daughter Madeleine's college classmates died in a hotel fire. It's a tragedy to have four young girls' lives just end in something that should never have happened. Hotels shouldn't burn so fast and hot that firefighters can't save individuals they know are on the second floor. College freshman shouldn't lose four friends in the blink of an eye. I sit here and wonder WHY??

But in all this I believe I am the daughter of a loving God. I don't understand His ways and I don't understand suffering but I know He'll be there beside us no matter how difficult life may be at times.


Romany said...

Yes, you are the daughter of a loving God in a fallen world.

Praying for thefamilies, Renee.

Barb Schoeneberger said...

A story of joy and a story of sadness. Only God knows why he took the girls. It reminds me how important it is to be ready to meet him whenever he asks. Prayers for the families. They must be devastated.