Monday, March 8, 2010

Quick and Simple Meatless Meals

Some Fridays I just don't want to cook or don't have time in the schedule to prepare a 'real' meal so we resort to quick and easy meatless meals such as:

fish sticks (they have improved since we were kids)
grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup
pancakes, french toast or eggs (without the bacon and sausage)
spaghetti, cheese raviolis or tortellini  (without the meatballs or Italian sausage)
boxed macaroni and cheese (add in tuna for extra protein)

This coming Friday is James' birthday so we are going with simple but tasty cheese pizza and then for two more weeks Abigail and I have shows at the VBC Playhouse so there won't be much cooking at our house. On Good Friday we will have Lentil Rice Casserole (a favorite of Scott's) - I will post that recipe as we get closer.

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