Tuesday, April 12, 2011

College Registration for James

Yesterday James went to college orientation and registration at MS State. Yes, I know it's only April and college doesn't begin for another four months but the Honors College students were able to register first so they got a better selection of courses.

James was invited to join the Griffis Learning Community;  it is one of the oldest and most popular Learning Communities. Approximately 20 participants live in Griffis Hall and take Honors General Psychology together on MWF and Honors Public Speaking together on TR, thus interacting with each other on a daily basis. The instructors coordinate assignments in the courses to enhance learning and help introduce students to the diverse resources of the university.

In addition James will also be taking Early US History, American Government and Accelerated Composition II. He was placed in Comp II based on his ACT English score. He'll earn credit for Composition I as long as he earns a C or better in this course.


Janette said...

You must be SO proud! Good job James! Good job mom!

Renee said...

I am Janette...