Monday, October 24, 2011

the life of unsocialized homeschoolers.......

Mondays - school, American Heritage Girls, Abigail's job, Fantasy Players

Tuesday - school, karate, Abigail's job, Theresa's theater class, Christmas Carol rehearsal

Wednesday - school, Abigail's job

Thursday - school, karate, Abigail's job, Christmas Carol rehearsal

Friday - school, Abigail's job

Saturday - Christmas Carol rehearsal

Sunday - Mass, Boy Scouts, Jr High Youth Group, High School Youth Group

This is just three kids since two are at college - then throw in field trips (this week John and Theresa have Space Camp), extra theater stuff (like Wings awards and working Magic Show), and stuff for Mom/Dad (like ushering for Young Frankenstein this weekend) plus possible filming as a movie extra for Abigail and you get a typical busy week.

1 comment:

Elysa said...

Those poor children. They are missing out on so much.