Sunday, January 15, 2012

Progress of 2 Weeks

2 weeks ago I blogged about my word - LISTEN. I've been making slow but steady progress. I am listening each morning by reading Scripture - it helps to have it delivered to my email box.

I am also reading a daily devotional book with meditations by Pope Benedict. Day 13 was entitled "Listening to God's Word" I was again reminded that God speaks to us through his Word and obedience to His word requires me to make time to listen to His voice.

Another way I have listened was during my first MCCW meeting at Redstone. There were a few positions in need of women to step forward to fill them - both were positions I could do but I listened and didn't hear God telling me to step forward so I kept quiet and others stepped up to the plate.

I was offered the opportunity to participate in an ENDOW study; I told the facilitator I would have to get back to her. I took time to pray, look at my calendar and then listened - I will be participating in this study. I need a group of women to meet with in a spiritual setting and I've always found it in the military community and will continue to do so even though Scott is retired.

Soon I will start searching out the word LISTEN in Scripture.. which reminds me that it jumped out at me during Mass this morning. It was the story of Samuel - "Speak, for your servant is listening." (1 Sam 3:10)


Kathleen Basi said...

Good for you for knowing it wasn't your call. I have to do some real discerning. There are so many things I want to do to help impact the world for the better...but I am at my limit. :(

Barb Schoeneberger said...

Good for you. God is always ready to lead us in the right direction but if we don't make quiet time for Him we can't listen.