Monday, August 13, 2012

Year 15 of Homeschooling

This could have been my 17th year of homeschooling but there were two years that all schoolage children went to school - one year was wonderful and the other not so much. So here I am in year 15 - by the time John graduates I'll have homeschooled for 20 years; it will then be time to retire. :)

So what is happening in year 15?

We have our true, tried and tested curriculum that we go back to time and time again with a few new additions along the way.

Religion: Didache Series for high school; Abigail is studying History of the Church. For John and Theresa - Faith and Life series 7th and 8th grade.

Math: Abigail is taking Pre-Calculus Algebra online through University of Alabama's Early College program in the Fall.. Theresa is continuing with Teaching Textbooks Pre-Algebra. John took the program for a test drive this summer but decided to stick with Saxon Algebra 1/2 instead.

Science: Abigail is taking a break from hardcore science with  Marine Biology while John and Theresa are studying General Science all using Apologia texts.

History: Abigail is studying Early US History using selected lessons in Tapestry of Grace Year 2 Rhetoric. John is using the entire program at the Dialectic level to study World History from Medieval times through Early US History. Theresa wanted a break from living books so she is studying US History with a textbook - Our Pioneers and Patriots which will occasionally be supplemented with historical fiction and biographies.

English: Abigail is starting out the year with a course in Short Stories using lectures from The Great Courses. John is studying a range of literature in addition to composition and grammar with Tapestry of Grace Year 2 Dialectic. Theresa is trying out something new for our family - Lightning Literature.

And then there are electives of course:
Abigail - Musical Theater, Theater Appreciation, Voice. Probable courses in the Spring - Logic or Consumer Math, Economics or Psychology, and English Literature.
Theresa and John - Art, Music, Karate


Anonymous said...

FIFTEEN YEARS - already? How does that seem possible? I remember when you started, Renee. Good for you. I'm so proud of you. You have a beautiful family - GOD IS GOOD!
Lotsa love...Mary

7redz said...

Wow. How wonderful! Well done Renee-- and family! It's always good to hear what you are all up to!