Saturday, November 22, 2008

Yesterday was Scholars Day at the W. We had lunch (pretty yummy) and then the kids went off for their interviews. And while they were in their interviews the parents were talked to by multiple people - college president, housing, campus police, financial aid, rec center, etc. This second visit definitely reminded me of all that I like about this university

Madeleine said they asked about her fav book (most questions were based on answers given in her application) and if she had read it for pleasure or school. She said pleasure but then she decided to use it for her big lit research paper this year. (hopefully that impressed them)

They asked her as a homeschooler what she felt schools needed to do differently (her interviewers were from the Ed Dept and social sciences)... she mentioned there was too much focus on standardized testing and schools needed to turn back to teaching (and not to the tests).

They asked if she wanted to be in the honors residential program and why. She talked about living in a learning community with students in the same classes and being challenged....

They asked her what was the stereotype of Americans in Europe ..... at her school many students thought all Americans were cowboys/hicks.

I think there were a few other questions but I can't remember what they were...(she was also asked about her GS Gold Award project) and all of this occured in TEN minutes....

Now we sit with crossed toes and folded hands waiting to hear what level of scholarship she has been awarded. She is guaranteed $3150 a year for all four years.


Cynthia said...

Sounds like things are going really well. Hope you hear from the quickly with an amount that pleases you both!

Renee said...

The committee was meeting to discuss candidates on Monday (earlier this week) and we were told letters would be sent before Christmas.... and being that they break rather early in December for winter break - I'm hoping we'll hear within a week or two.