We are moving right along with school year 2009-2010. Religion is going smoothly as all books are ones I've used before. We are in our third year of Tapestry of Grace for History, Geography, Literature and Composition and I'm still pleased with the program.
Science has two new programs this year - James is my first to study Physics at home and Abigail is my first to use Apologia Biology (James took a correspondence honors biology course and MJ an AP biology course the year we homeschooled in Garmisch with govt $$)and both just had their first test and did well. John and Theresa are loving all the experiments we are conducting during our study of magnetism (the first of our topics this year).
Math is going well for Theresa (my whiz at fractions), John and Abigail... James ran into some speed bumps with Pre-Calculus and it looked like there would be a roadblock up ahead so we did a u-turn and ordered Teaching Textbooks (which has served us well for Algebra 1, 2 and geometry).
James is studying both US Govt and Computer Programming as elective this year and seems to be enjoying both. Abigail is studying Spanish II and Keyboarding and doing well.
Theresa is taking a once a month Art class as well as the monthly building projects at Home Depot. John might join her at Home Depot but he's also taking gymnastics.
And Madeleine? Well she's off at the W having so much fun and working so hard we hardly ever catch her online. This weekend she's at the Hearin Leadership Retreat.
And I didn't mention Boy Scouts for James, Fantasy Players for Abigail, youth group and bible study for both of them, American Heritage Girls (and monthly youth group) for Theresa and Cub Scouts for John :)
Ready set RUN! (LOL)! At least that's how it feels around here now that school is starting or has somewhat started.
that sounds about right Cynthia
I have a couple of weeks before we get busy again. But I can't imagine simultaneously home educating more than two children! LOL!
Is is a skill I have almost perfected over the years. :) When the children are young, they are combined for some subjects and by the time they're in jr high/high school, they are pretty darn independent.
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