James was leading as the Senior Patrol Leader of Boy Scout Troop 350 on the annual planning campout. The Scouts planned out the year's outdoor events including scheduling so that Mom can mark her calendar.

Abigail is anxiously awaiting the publication of her first article in tomorrow's Huntsville Times.

John went to the Scout shop to buy the extras for his Webelos uniform.

And last but certainly not least is Theresa - she got a call to be cast in the roles of a Heart Child and the Cook's Assistant in Alice in Wonderland. She is very excited about her Fantasy Playhouse acting debut. You can see her on stage Oct 9th-11th and 16th-18th.

WOW! Awesome!
Ask MJ what facility they were at.
I've sent her a message Ruth.
Sounds like there are LOTS of exciting things happening around your house!
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