Scott Gale begins his book describing the day he felt he hit rock bottom as a parent. Maybe because I have more children, maybe because I'm older or maybe because my children are older but I was mostly unable to relate to his situation. He went on to list the reasons for his family's dysfunction: 1)lack of time (my dh and I purposely make time for ourselves in and among the demands of parenthood and my dh's job), 2)lack of clarity (may be an issue in our house but I am the parent and so I reserve the right to limit TV one day and let the children veg in front of it another), 3)lack of consistency (not much of an issues especially not involving bedtime, schoolwork or chores) and 4)lack of commitment to improvement (we talk when things get out of hand and get back on track).
This book would be a good book for parents of young school age children that want to get things in order before their parenting becomes chaotic and also their lives. The methods for developing a family constitution focus on "3-C's" - clarity, consistency and commitment.
Thank you to Bostick Communications for the opportunity to read and review this book.
1 comment:
I enjoyed your commentary on this book. I have not read it, but as the mother of a young child it caught my eye. I find I lack consistency in the area of discipline and I do not want to confuse her. I know how important this is.
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