Sunday, January 16, 2011

Set Free to Love

Set Free To Love: Lives Changed by the Theology of the Body is a compilation of stories by eleven individuals. There are married couples, singles, priest and nuns - each shares how they came to learn of the teachings of the Theology of the Body and how it helped them overcome struggles in their lives. No two stories are alike but all show how lives can be changed when one learns Church teachings and works to incorporate them into everyday life.

Marcel JeJeune, author of the book, starts off with an introduction that touches upon the question 'what is the Theology of the Body?" It's so many things - it's five years of teachings from Wednesday audiences of Pope John Paul II, it's teachings that cover topics such as chastity, married life, human dignity and our purpose on this earth, it's a response to false philosophies but it takes far more than 15 pages to fully explain and understand.

This book is not one that will enable the reader to fully understand and appreciate JPII's teachings of the Theology of the Body; it's a book that will wet your whistle and spark your interest in learning more. And the author has included a great list of resources for further learning - both websites and books.

This review was written as part of the Catholic book reviewer program from The Catholic Company. Visit The Catholic Company to find more information on Set Free to Love . They are also a great source for serenity prayer and baptism gifts.

1 comment:

Carol@simple_catholic said...

Sounds like an interesting book!