Sunday, January 1, 2012

Parenting Your Adult Child


Parenting Your Adult Child; Keeping the Faith (And Your Sanity) includes chapters about life after high school or college, the single life, choosing a mate and getting married, grandchildren and crises. But it seems to be a book mostly for those with truly adult children. I feel there is little in it for those of us with young adults in college which was disappointing. I was looking for practical suggestions, solutions and methods for parenting a grown child but so much was too vague for me to put into practical use.
The author at one point talks about twenty and thirty-somethings not being raised with solid Church teachings in their religious education. My young adult children had this while I did not since I was part of the 'Jesus love you, felt banner' generation. So this solidified my thinking that this book is more appropriate for those with older adult children.
In the chapter aimed at parents of young adults, the author says that "Faith cannot be legislated.... the days of requiring it are over." I totally disagree since if you live under my roof, you live by my rules (even if you are 18 or 20 or ....) especially since you are still my financial obligation. Thankfully my young adult children have never made a fuss about going to Mass and both still attend weekly at college so it's not an issue in our household.
Although not of practical use to me at this point in my parenting , I will be shelving it to refer to in the future as my children grow older and their life situations change. 

This review was written as part of the Catholic book reviewer program from The Catholic Company. Visit The Catholic Company to find more information on Parenting Your Adult Child . They are also a great source for a Catechism of the Catholic Church or a Catholic Bible.

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