Monday, February 4, 2013

Happy Day!!!

We are so proud of Abigail.

She will now be upgraded to The Cecil C. Humphreys Merit Scholarship which is awarded to all National Merit/National Achievement finalists listing the University of Memphis as their first choice with the National Merit Scholarship Corporation by the required deadline. This prestigious award is $9,700 per year plus the following benefits:
1. Laptop computer
2. Study Abroad or National Student Exchange Stipend of $2,000
3. Assistance available for attendance at National Conference on Undergraduate Research
4. Priority consideration for the Non-Resident Honors Student Award (NRHSA) for out-of-state awardees - Abigail was awarded this scholarship in September; its current value is over $15K per academic year.


Conny said...


7redz said...

wow! way to go Abigail!