Friday, April 12, 2013

School Year 2013 - 2014

     I am already thinking and planning for next year; thankfully most of it was easy since it's what I've always done. This next school year will be the first time since school year 2000-2001 (Madeleine was in 4th, James in 2nd but Abigail went to German Kindergarten) that I've only had two students. It will be like this for the next four years and then I'll have a lone year with only one student.

Here are next year's plans for Theresa (freshman) and John (8th grade):
Religion - Didache Series : Introduction to Catholicism    (Theresa)  
                      I was even able to track down Edition 1 Workbooks
              - Faith and Life Series : Our Life in the Church (John)
   I offered both students the option of using the online program but they chose to stick with our old print books.

Math - Teaching Textbooks Algebra 1 (Theresa and John)
   I love that these can be done on paper or on the computer with the latter being self-correcting.

Science - Apologia Exploring Creation with Physical Science (Theresa and John)
   I just saw that there is now a Student Notebook available; I need to see if a) my kids are interested and b) would it match up with the 1st Edition close enough to be worth $27.50 each?

History - Theresa will be studying World History with All Ye Lands while John will be studying 19th Century World History with Tapestry of Grace Dialectic Level.

Language Arts - Both John and Theresa will be finishing up the second half of programs we used this year for Grammar (Easy Grammar Plus) and Vocabulary (English from the Roots Up). Writing is my weakness in teaching; I have found a program that lays out nice lesson plans and many different writing experiences so we will be using Essentials in Writing.  Then for Literature, Theresa will do the next level of Lightning Literature which comes with a Teacher Guide, Student Guide and Workbook. John and I have decided he will do a blend for his Literature, we've chosen selections from Tapestry of Grace Year 3 Dialectic selections and it will be supplemented with Chronicles of Narnia and a dash of Introduction to Poetry.

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