Thursday, April 1, 2010

How the Camel Got His Hump by Theresa

          At the beginning of time there was a Camel. One day a Pony came up to the Camel and said "Help me scribe this dumb story." The Camel said "Humph." The next day a Bunny came to the Camel and said "Help me edit this lame story." The Camel said slowly "Humph." The next day a Hamster came to the Camel and said "Help me type this silly story." The Camel said slowly "Humph."
          The three animals went to the Publisher and said "Who does that Camel think he is doing no work?" "Then work harder," said the Publisher to the three. The animals were more annoyed so they texted the Genie about the Camel. "You have got to do some work on the story, Camel," said the Genie. The Camel said slowly "Humph." "I warned you," said the Genie. Magically a humph appeared on the Camel's back. The Camel gasped and said "Why did you give me this humph?" "So you can live on it for three days work," said the Genie. Obviously the Camel never caught up on his work.
The End

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